
We are in need of volunteers for a variety of needs including:

  • Concert Ushers
  • Photographer/Videographer
  • Noodles and Notes Volunteers
  • Trip Chaperones and more!

You are invited to fill in the Interest Form to join HPMS!

Volunteer Clearance: All volunteers must be approved and cleared by the Pleasanton Unified School District. If you are interested in volunteering for the 2023-2024 School Year, please visit Volunteers page of the PUSD website to review the newly created PUSD Volunteer Handbook. After reading through the handbook, apply to be a volunteer for the 2023-24 school year by using the PUSD Raptor Volunteer Application link. Please note: TB clearance is required for all volunteers.

Questions? Please email volunteerclearance@pleasantonusd.net.